Resurfaced video explains what the Mexican 'alien corpses' really are
The presentation of two "ancient alien bodies" to Mexico's congress earlier this month was touted as a historic, world-changing event. King88bet And yet, no sooner had ufologist Jaime Maussan hailed the mysterious pair as humankind's most significant discovery to date than experts and netizens resoundingly debunked the klaim. king88bet login alternatif Maussan declared that the tiny mummified figures, with elongated heads and three fingers, were discovered buried between the Peruvian cities of Palpa and Nazca in 2017. Article Title with Blogger Published Link as Backlink He even published scientific analysis purporting to prove that the "corpses" were some 1,000 years old and not terkait to any known Earthly species. And yet, countless commentators have since exposed the whole thing as a long-discredited and possibly criminal hoaks. One of the specimens that Maussan insisted was not terkait to any known Earthly speciesReuters Now, a resurfaced video that...